Saturday, November 23, 2024

Today was a day to forage

It's a Saturday. 
Another in a string of listlessly chilled and rain soaked days joined end by end forming a week of same.
I awoke with an idea to create and build my first Oregon metal hanging mobile.
I watched a few online videos for refresher and ideas until the serious want of spaghetti overwhelmed and dulled all other ideas and senses.
I had the strong spaghetti thought yesterday on my return trip from visiting a lumberjack new friend in Eugene. 
I dismissed the thought thinking it would abate and drown in some dark corner, recess of my large and spacious mind.
The morning simply reawakened and strengthened the idea.
I hadn't cooked spaghetti in months, probably over two years.
What suddenly, irrevocably possessed me to the point of cravings so strong they could not be ignored?
Seasonal change? The stage of the moon?
A long lost childhood memory of the rare decent, tasty meals?
I ended up going to three different stores because spaghetti ingredients reminded me of the beef brat on a bun idea, I also had this week.
A simple trip for four ingredients, a mushroom, burger, spaghetti sauce and pasta turned into a 40 dollar foray of forage. 
I cooked spaghetti squash, too, after about 5 minutes of standing in the vegetable aisle working to ascertain whether to buy one or not. They aren't cheap at about 5 dollars apiece.
It's 530pm. I cooked and prepared my meals for today and further days this week are nestled in the freezer.
Some days, it's all about hunting and gathering and preparing.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

I am just a nothing

If I fell in the forest
The leaves and roots
Would reclaim me
Before anyone noticed
I am nobody
To come home to
To hug
To smile at
To look forward to
I am awash in
And disconnect
Few distant 
Nothing close
No one close
At my side
Sitting next to me
Across the table
Alongside the
The Aloneness 
Of months and years,
Knowing my future
Months and years
Will be more of the same.
She stood invisible
In heavy traffic
No one noticed
She had stepped
In the road
Or cared
That she did
She was nobody
A nobody
Of No importance 
To any one
But her self
And then
She stopped
About herself.
The nobody
Had no one
And they call it life
Even when it is filled to the brim
With pain
Bringing her to her knees
From places and
Circumstances unknown
She was consumed
By the pain...
And she
In her extreme Aloneness 
And agonizing pain
Wrote this...
Maybe someone will hear
And know she is there
And can understand 
How deeply she suffers 
In her silence
In her dark
Little corner...
No one looks for her
No one misses her
No one hugs her
No one wants to be by her
No one tells her
I miss you
I love you
I'm happy to see you...
She is very sad
Nobody is very very sad

Monday, October 28, 2024

She's talking about Incest again, omg, like she spent her entire childhood being raped every week, Family Secrets

Watching this documentary, made me realize how easy it was for siblings and family members to picture me as nothing but a liar, out for some hidden, non-existant gain. Seriously, what possible motivation does a child or an adult have that they would blatantly talk about being sexually abused, raped by a family member? The only reason is to free themselves from the pain and shame of being forced to keep secrets for years and decades. Freedom can be found in words, truth spoken. The emotional pain is lessened and can start healing Only with the spoken words.
People see what they want to see, especially in families deeply entrenched with physical and sexual abuses. No one wants to believe a father could molest his daughter week after week, year after year.
If so, why didn't she tell anybody? Like anyone would believe one little girl over a family's rally cry behind the good husbandfather. Threats were constant, violent and frequent. 
It's good to see incest being talked about.
Truth is truth, even if it's ugly and makes your stomach turn and you don't want to believe it.
Incest Happens
Talk about it
Don't ever let the perpetrators win
Start healing
Speak your truth