Monday, March 2, 2015

Psychosomatic Symptoms

 I used to fear the word "Psychosomatic", thinking maybe people thought I was being manipulative, needed attention or was just plain crazy.
 My years in therapy are teaching me that my body is my friend and that my body has memory of the past traumas. Sometimes I can't remember the specific incident, so my body gives me a clue, a pain from the past.
 Did you know that the vast majority of pelvic pain in women is unknown or undiagnosable? I spent years going to doctors because I hurt so much. 
 I have psychosomatic pain and symptoms, at times. It's just a fact. Nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.  It's part of who I am and a big part of growing up severly abused. I'm okay with me.

Unfamiliar Faces, Prosopagnosia