Monday, June 25, 2018

Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Autism and Me

As I was walking through the farmer's market with my friend, I kept pointing out all the foods that I can't eat. It got me thinking, as the list has grown rather large.
Here's the current list of  not tolerated foods:
Eggs!!! (Boy, do I miss scrambled eggs, egg on toast and egg salad. Yikes!!!!)
Non-Organic fruits and vegetables(the chemical Sulfa is frequently sprayed on fruit. Sulfa is my most dangerous allergie as it could kill me, hence the caution.)
Asparagus- causes kidney stones
I guess the list isn't too long. It just encompasses a large variety of foods.
My friend asked me if I ever got bored on such a limited diet.
To the contrary, it makes my life significantly easier. There are less choices for me to stress over. I rather like having a short, specific menu.
I don't care to cook. First off, cooking on the stove requires great concentration and is probably the most dangerous activity. I can't tell you how many times I've been burned or scalded. Sure, they are usually just physically small injuries but I am quite hypersensitive to pain and they pretty much shock and disrupt my system. The less cooking, the better for me.
I don't have much patience. I'm very ADD and the energy it takes to focus is a hardship.
Quite frankly, there are a dozen different things I'd rather be doing than slaving over a stove. Not to mention the ensuing stack of dishes that would need doing.
I like it when my trips to the grocstore are as quick as possible.
This while storing food, figuring out how much I'll eat in a day or two perplexed me.
For some reason I'm unable to stomach foods that have been in the freezer. I don't know if it's because it tastes and looks different or if it's because I have to figure out how to thaw and defrost it.
I seriously do not like sitting at the family dinner table and eating in front of anyone. I don't need anyone to critique my food, my choice of silverware or how and what I eat. Ugh.
Life isn't easy.
Managing food isn't easy.
Finding safe foods is always good.
Not a lot of food truly tastes good to me.
It's just how I am.

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