I had a most interesting experience the other day talking with another Aspie. I watched him talk. As he spoke, it was as if there was a flat plane at about his chin level and as he spoke ...it was as if you took a matchbox car and very slowly moved it this way, to the left, turning, in a spiral, off to the right, moving, flowing, slowly, all in my minds eye. I had never seen anyone talk before, ever. There was no color to it...just light shades of grey. The plane was smooth and flat. I found it most fascinating. I very much enjoyed watching the verbaization.
Whereas, if I were to focus on my speech...if I saw it...it would be more of short bursts that go straight out for about 6 inches and quickly turns back in, toward me.
As long as we are on the subject of verbaization...I think I can read subtle changes in people's voices. Maybe it's a developed skill from having such limited eye contact. So, I was talking to a friend I hadn't seen in awhile and her voice caused me great concern. It was guarded and varied in..distantance. Even though we were in the same room, she oscillated between varying distances away from me. Reminds me of a ten foot pole. I hadn't heard that tone before with her so I wasn't sure what was up..till later on...then it made sense.
I can read voices but only for those close to me...those five or six close friends whom I have known for awhile:)
It's interesting...a very cool experience. I look forward to talking with my Aspie friend again to see if the same visuals happen.
Just wanted to share:)
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