Sunday, June 23, 2024

Blare, a self-soothing technique

 A repost from an earlier time.

I am learning appropriate formatting for my book, thus finding pertinent older posts to edit and add.

Blare is the affectionate term for music turned up really, really loudly so that windows shake and floors vibrate. 

Believe it or not, there is a sound (LOL) reason for this atypical behaviour. I don't remember it exactly, but, at massage school they taught us that one of the reasons massage works when people are in pain is due to the overstimulation of the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. When the right one gets overloaded, the nervous system automatically calms down. They called it the gateway effect or some such thing.

Its like if a million neurons are going in all different directions and someone stands at the top of the peak and blows a whistle really loud...everyone falls in line and simmers down.

Blare leads to calm...and i like calm..a whole lot. Its a self-soothing mechanism that actually works for this Aspie.

Its me...I'm a certified massage therapist...I know this.

Yeah, Blare and me...we got a thing

going on

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