Sunday, October 13, 2024

Busy getting screwed over and overlooked

This week has been ugly.
Let's start with how I did a favor for a friend with the promise of reimbursement for gas money.
I had to drive 50 miles one way to check out an airport that I'd never been to because my friend asked me to pick her up.
I took the afternoon to drive down there. On my way home, I stopped on the way to take photos, and that's when the battery blew up. If I hadn't agreed to this favor, I would have never been 18 miles out of town. Sure, the battery probably would have blown at some point but more than likely closer to home saving money on the mileage for the tow truck which was over 250$. The only reason I was that far out of town was because of the favor.
Car gets towed and fixed so I go to pick up my friend from the airport after 11pm. Oh, she missed her connection. So, my two hours, 100 mile trip for naught. I go back home.
Next morning, I drive another 50 to the airport, puck her up and then 50 more miles back.
I ask about the gas money. She says she'll catch me later.
Mind you, that's 300 miles worth of gas, a 550-600$ car tow and repair, and over 6 hours of my time and I live on disability where every dollar counts. I'm out bucks that I can't replace.
So, we meet for coffee last week, over a week since the airport trips. Halfway through, I realize I have to ask for the gas money cause she hasn't mentioned it.
I sheepishly ask if I can inquire about the gas money. Oh, she has to get it from the bank. Oh, she was just at the bank. She had forgotten my gas money. She says she'll get it to me.
That was last week. I'm still short. Still low on funds and unreimbursed.
I'm fucking invisible people. My biggest quality is how easily I am forgotten and overlooked. I don't think I have it in me to ask again. But, I have learned my lesson. No more free rides. 
Next, I had arranged to meet someone new at a local place. I arrive on time and text her. Oh, she is somewhere else but she will get there as soon as she can. 25 minutes later. 25 minutes later. No excuse other than time got away from her or she just forgot.
I'm that invisible. I do not make an impression of people. I'm like wallpaper. Always there. Completely unnoticeable. Just a fucking nobody.
Yeah. It hasn't gone well this week. 
It's safest, least painful to just stay home and avoid the hurt of being forgotten. Sometimes I really hate this not being noticeable, respected, liked or even loved. It's really difficult. I try and fail.
Stay home.
Stop the hurt.
I refuse to engage and put myself out there to be ignorantly stomped on.

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