Prepare to enter the wild and wooly world of an adult with Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism characterized by intellignce, quirks, social difficulties and downright strange and oddish behaviours.

People with Aspergers generally are high functioning in everyday life but have great difficulty connecting with others due to the inability to read faces, body language and subtle verbal clues. They also tend to take words literally and have a hard time multi-tasking.

Oversensitivity to touch (clothing has to be soft and often the tags removed), light (do not leave home without the sunglasses), sound (loud noises and noisey places are avoided), taste (many Aspies have quite a limited diet and are frequently very picky eaters) and smells makes the everyday existence more of a challenge.

Fasten your seatbelts and come on in...
To find out more about what Aspergers is..please check out my earliest blog entries

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Table Set

the table
was always set
for the guests
who never showed
the lacy white frill
ironed to perfection
crease free
and slightly starched
the little girl
set the silver so
making intimate eye contact
with every fork
and especially the spoon
distorting her image
her smile broader
than real life
ever could possibly be
she spun
spoon in hand
mimicking face
she spun and twirled
as the flowers
were laid to rest
upon the center
of the oblong
warped table
set with pristine
pretend, make believe white
her dress making
higher and higher circles
around her
and her alone
she hummed
as only she knew how
and spun
she disappeared
from all view

everyone finally arrived
sat at the table white
ate from the flowered plates
and never knew that she
was gone