Friday, September 8, 2023

Aspergers, Small Talk and How are You?

Do you think it might be possible, that the reason so many Aspies cringe and dislike the phrase "How are you?" is not necessarily because we do not like small talk but rather we have no idea how to answer because we cannot quantify what it is that we Are feeling?
I continue to hypothesis that one of the greatest challenges of being Aspergian is the inability to find words to express how we feel and think.
Then, in addition, I do have to add that "How are you?" is an open-ended, abstract question in which the Autistic cannot directly ascertain exactly what it is the inquirer is asking about.
Are you asking about my health? How I'm physically feeling today? As opposed to yesterday? Or is it my mental health and emotional wellbeing?
Are you asking because you want an answer? Or is this a platitude like "Hello" or "Have a good day"?
One many occasions it is anticipated that I actually do not answer that specific question, instead I am supposed to "parrot it back" simply repeat the question back to the asker, no response needed on my part. The number of times that this has happened are great.
How are you, the question, it stymies me because I can rarely put words to how I am.

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