Prepare to enter the wild and wooly world of an adult with Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism characterized by intellignce, quirks, social difficulties and downright strange and oddish behaviours.

People with Aspergers generally are high functioning in everyday life but have great difficulty connecting with others due to the inability to read faces, body language and subtle verbal clues. They also tend to take words literally and have a hard time multi-tasking.

Oversensitivity to touch (clothing has to be soft and often the tags removed), light (do not leave home without the sunglasses), sound (loud noises and noisey places are avoided), taste (many Aspies have quite a limited diet and are frequently very picky eaters) and smells makes the everyday existence more of a challenge.

Fasten your seatbelts and come on in...
To find out more about what Aspergers is..please check out my earliest blog entries

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Where I am, a poem by me

The window is open
I hear a distant river rushing
The brown-green narrow pathway
Meets tall and short, slender grey woods
Over the silent, soon-to-be stream, now Puddle
Up the hill to flowery, grassy knoll
Abrupt against scrabble, pebbled sidewalk
Curving gently downward, concrete yellow curb
Sharp against angry, blackened, vast asphalt
Stretching curiously into cement topped by beige rectangles stacked two by two
Surrounded by soft meadow housing orchard renegades
Contrasting mightily against the rich green forest wall
Sequestered by spit split rocky boundaries 
Asphalt strip spotted yellow, sandwiched white
Up on which flows the erratically noisy river
Forms of plastic-metal conglomerates careening 
Miles away
Yet visible to my ears
I opened my window
And heard where I am
In space and place