Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Autistic Meltdown, I lose words, the ability to talk or How My Brain Turns Into Scrambled Eggs

I had a Meltdown today. My acupuncturist completely changed her office.
Meltdowns are Completely Unpredictable. I never know what will set one off.
My emotions get out of control. I lose the ability to speak in coherent sentences. And I have little control over what I can say.
It's like my brain turns into Scrambled Eggs and I am helpless to find the words I want to say And I start mumbling odd, nonsensical things.
My hands don't flap as much as they twitch and tic. Can't control that either. It's a helpless feeling. I'd be embarrassed if it had been with someone I didn't trust.
On my way home, found some really Retro 80's rock that I blasted in the car that helped to settle down my brain.
Been mumbling nonsense sounds, repeating phrases ever since. I took a xanax which does help a bit. Could have a strong drink but too early in the day.
Still don't have the words back, my usual ability to talk still compromised. I'll take my other med tonight which should further assist my nervous system in Calming itself Down.
My son is great. He understands that I get way Autistic at times and can't find the right words. Asked him to go to the store with me cause I'm still on tilt and easily prone to upset in my current state. I feel safer with him with me out in public. He's a good boy, good guy to have around.
This struggle for clear. I know what words I want to use but cannot find them so theres lots of blank spots, partial sentences, brief phrases said.
When alone, I'm still mumbling and repeating things trying to get my brain back online.
I'd say It Sucks but it's just the way it is and I've always had these bouts of meltdown. Not fun but it is what it is.
Laying low. Drinking lots of water. Playing repetative video games that have patterns. Little things that help.
Yeah, I know others struggle through these meltdowns, too. Finding things that help.
Calming down. Loud, loud music. Love my car stereo, man. It's da bomb!! Had it cranked to 27 and it felt real good. Heavy bass. Awesome.
Chilling. Life goes on. Doing my best.

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