Prepare to enter the wild and wooly world of an adult with Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism characterized by intellignce, quirks, social difficulties and downright strange and oddish behaviours.

People with Aspergers generally are high functioning in everyday life but have great difficulty connecting with others due to the inability to read faces, body language and subtle verbal clues. They also tend to take words literally and have a hard time multi-tasking.

Oversensitivity to touch (clothing has to be soft and often the tags removed), light (do not leave home without the sunglasses), sound (loud noises and noisey places are avoided), taste (many Aspies have quite a limited diet and are frequently very picky eaters) and smells makes the everyday existence more of a challenge.

Fasten your seatbelts and come on in...
To find out more about what Aspergers is..please check out my earliest blog entries

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Struggling to Go Outside

I want to go for a walk outside, specifically to collect wildflowers photos but, there are issues, people mostly. It is a weekend and there tends to be more of them walking and migrating about. I need to lower my anxiety level by careful planning to mitigate the unpleasantness. 
First, maybe I'll drive to the local park instead of walking. That will eliminate any sidewalk stranger nervousness.
Second, I can pick a park that I believe to be in less use today. The sky says much scattered rain, so most parks should be reduced due to that factor alone. I'm considering if the shorter park for only walkers might be less crowded than the larger park, a greater distance, that also caters to bicycles, horses, and typically, a whole lot of dogs. Since the aggressive dog incidents times 2, a year or two or three ago, that particular park tends to raise anxiety whenever it's thought about and whenever I am there and see any dog, especially larger ones. (The smaller ones I worry about less as they are "kickable" like a football if they attack. I say that with only half a jest and I own a wonderful small dog that I love enormously.) Yes, I fear attack there and have to "armor up" mentally, emotionally if I go there but, ah, it is so beautiful there and I do wonder what the wildflowers say and think that may currently be blooming there.
The rain is a factor. My tennis shoes may get wet. I have no "rain off" waterproof shoes. Wet socks can make me highly unpleasant and extremely uncomfortable but I have been in the house too much much. My physical corporeal being strongly wishes, nay, requires movement.
Conundrum after Conundrum, the wheel of life erratically spins, slows down and throws me off on occasion to deal with enclosed recesses filled with wild, toothy beasts and surmountable problems to mill through and climb.
If I do go out for a walk, if I actually venture out that far, a reward is in order either a welcome treat of a big coffee or a sidetrip to a thrift store with a 10$ reward fee. There, I have sweetened the pot, as it were. Time to get ready to go out that big red door into the wilds of life outside my tiny, amazing and safe fortress.

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