Prepare to enter the wild and wooly world of an adult with Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism characterized by intellignce, quirks, social difficulties and downright strange and oddish behaviours.

People with Aspergers generally are high functioning in everyday life but have great difficulty connecting with others due to the inability to read faces, body language and subtle verbal clues. They also tend to take words literally and have a hard time multi-tasking.

Oversensitivity to touch (clothing has to be soft and often the tags removed), light (do not leave home without the sunglasses), sound (loud noises and noisey places are avoided), taste (many Aspies have quite a limited diet and are frequently very picky eaters) and smells makes the everyday existence more of a challenge.

Fasten your seatbelts and come on in...
To find out more about what Aspergers is..please check out my earliest blog entries

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Having a Friend

My friend was going on vacation and I offered to drive her the hour and a half to Portland so she didn't need to take a shuttle bus. This relatively small act affected me in a big.
It was the first big kindness that I was capable of doing to help her. She does many favor helps for me like taking me to church and potlucks. It felt very rewarding to be able to return a favor. Because I used to drive my son to PDX airport, I was very familiar with the route and what to expect. I think it was the first time ever that I had been able to drive there and back without getting nervous driving in Portland with a metro population of over 2 million.
And because I hadn't had a friend in seven years, I had forgotten how good and warm it felt to assist someone.
All the way there we talked back and forth easily. She doesn't make me tired or exhausted. She even makes me laugh a lot. It has been a long time since I had someone to joke and josh with. It felt very nice.
One friend has changed my world, opened it up and made it available. I can go to church, group events, potlucks, which I was unable to do before meeting her.
I feel good these days. And I am trying new things.
Being brave. Being Autistic one has to be brave and courageous often. I see that more clearly now. 
I am happy these days. It's brand new and I'm getting used to the warmth of it.