Thursday, September 15, 2016

My first solo mile-long trek & my evil plan

I went on my first, long, solo walking adventure to the library. It's about a mile away and little guy and I had walked it numerous times. Trekking solo is way more challenging than walking with someone or even my dog, Rosebud. I can't say for sure why this is, but I entertained a few theories today.
There are no distracts. My thoughts are my own. I believe that I felt danger or unsafe for so long that it's my go-to emotional state. I'm working to correct that by mental affirmation multiple times every hour. I call it a form of "mental gymnastics" and brain retraining.
Another very possible reason is topographical agnosia, my fear of getting lost or unable to find my way home. As I drove to Albany, the other day, I quite seriously constantly felt like I was going in the wrong direction. My wondrous brain has no compass so as I enter an entirely new landscape red lights flash and buzzers continually go off telling me that I am utterly lost. It's akin to trying to walk through a madly swinging swaying gauntlet. I need to remind myself that I'm not lost, I'm okay and I can find my way home.
I do believe these two reasons somehow combined made my victory over the long walk oh so sweet. Another feat conquered !!!
Now, the evil ruin-my-son's-life plan part...once again he is being assigned homework of the dreaded "reading log" whereby he needs to read 30 minutes a day. He deplores this task. So, I am instituting a no-tv policy of an hour each school day, just so it's easier to read. I'm not going to tell him that's why I'm doing it or he'd be upset. In addition, I picked up a couple of Star Wars books that he likes and will leave them on the desk, in plain view, for him to see. I won't remind him to read as I think the books are proficient bait. Yep, that's the plan.
Anyway, I'll have to write about yesterday's stuff at some point. Now, on to reading and resting.
Yes, I am proud of myself 👽❤

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