Friday, December 29, 2023

Swan Song, a poem about child abuses

I often write about my traumatic childhood openly. The following may be upsetting or disturbing. Trigger Warning. 
Swan Song, a poem of child abuses
Brother, how have you forgotten
the man that held you down
teaching you adult manly things
when you were but just a boy
Sister remembers and talks about
what Brother dare not say
(No one can silence me any more
I have not forgotten father's ways)
Sister, how had you forgotten
the secret parties on the West Side of town
dad's pals, food and strange men with cash
two sisters too young to be working girls
Sister remembers and talks about
what younger sister can no longer say
(No one can silence me any more
I have not forgotten father's ways)
Brother, I know you remember 
the crimes dad disguised as games
he wanted a witness, silent and mute
and that was your part to play
Sister remembers you standing there
and respects your wounded right not to say
(Yet no one will silence me now
I speak loud, fierce and free)
Sister, why have you forgotten
the hitting, the bruising and blood
you didn't want the truth to be real
daddy loves you, beatings lie
Sister loves you and remembers 
how much his fists hurt you
(No one can silence me any more
father abused you, and me too)
Sister, how you work to stuff yourself
hiding the hurt under layers of eats
Insulating and pretending it will all go away
what father did pains you deeply inside
Sister knows your pain
and prays you seek counsel help
Be like her, Silent No More
You too, know father's sins
Brother, what story do you tell yourself
when you see the crescent scar by your eye
do you remember one of dad's fits of rage 
or do you choose to believe one of mom's lines
Sister saw it all go down
little brother struck in the hall
mother shrieking
"never in the face, Don,
try not to ever hit them in the face"
(mother's makeup can only cover so much)
I'm sorry you were wounded
I wonder if you know the truth
Sister loves you
and is Silent No More
Amy Cavanaugh Murphy 12/28/23

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I don't talk much. I don't know what to say.

Living in extreme isolation suits me. It's easy for me to go days without speaking a single word.
When I find my self in the company of others, whether it be on the city bus or at the store, I will use the customary small talk pleasantries but only if provoked, prompted, backed into a corner or feeling like engaging in light banter.
People, when they talk, they talk about things that don't interest me. I don't watch much television or go to the movies often. I don't follow celebrities or engage in gossip about the neighbors. I'm not interested in hearing sad stories as I have enough of my own, which are quite private. I don't want to talk politics cause that's a sh*tshow and it's controversial and it does not impact me, nor I it. I don't talk religion because God is good no matter what practice is followed. I don't, I recoil and try and protect myself from the news, guns and violence because it hurts me deeply that people viciously hurt people, both those they know and complete strangers.
All around it seems like a madness along with a great deal of nonsense.
I don't like talking about myself.
I deplore it, mostly. 
My children are grown and moved away. Mentioning them brings the grief of missing them, and usually tears.
My biological family consists of a hugh percentage of child abusers and intergenerational incest. I'll talk about that when I damn well please, but, few want to hear That.
I don't know what to say to others.
This is quite true.
I am probably the quietest person you will ever know.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

I am all alone; this could be good, positive

Alone can mean many things. Often we can readily identify the negative connotations such as sadness, loneliness and depression.
What we frequently overlook are the possible positive and beneficial qualities of being completely alone.
Alone can mean freedom, a personal freedom impossible when one has to answer to family obligations or friends invitations. Freedom to be exactly who you are without external influences, opinions and pressures.
Alone means I do not have to constantly consider how my actions within my own home, may affect those I live with. I can leave the dirty dishes in the sink until I feel compelled to do them not when my partner expects it or my kid makes a snarky comment.
Alone allows me to understand this new concept called "inertia" wherein a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force. I put my open journal of private thoughts and musings upon the living room table. It will not move from that location unless I choose to move it. No one will read or comment on my private personal notes. I have gained the freedoms of inertia as well as new found privacy.
The open bag of pretzels will remain exactly where I leave it. Not a single additional pretzel will be removed until I choose to do so.
I have freedom to choose if and when I do something.
I am free to lay upon the couch and bingewatch Star Treks for days at a time while eating nuts and drinking soda. No harm. No foul. No sin. No one cares. But I may have a fantastic time doing just that.
Alone allows me to discover who I really am.
Without a partner, without raising children, I am someone completely different and new. Me.
I really don't know who I am, yet, but each day alone gives me some small clues.
Alone can be necessary in order to discover who you are and what makes you tick.
Do that. Be you.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Riding the Bus

Realizing the Insignificance Is Freedom

Once you realize that your puny little life is just that, a puny little life, it is actually extremely freeing because you can now cast away all the frivolous bullsh*t like competition, gossip, what others think of you, pushing boundaries, breaking glass ceilings and earning employee of the month. 
Let's not forget the garbage notion that my only worth in life is how much I can help others because that is extreme BS as a drowning man cannot help anyone else except the bottom feeders by stopping his fight to survive. I was force fed that garbage ever since I can remember. It must have been practiced by people who weren't drowning, starving, being beaten or raped. Yeah, you go girl. You go save and help others because you are not drowning and can.
Now, without anyone else's interference or wishes or demands or needs getting in my way, maybe just maybe I can figure out a way to get out of these deep, churning waters. There has been no life raft, no self-sacrificing sailors weathering this ferocious storm to try and save my as*. And I have been drowning for decades. Forgive me if I somehow miraculously find the strength and energy to help you get across the street while I choke and gag on the water clear past my head.
Clarity. Letting go of the forced, idiotic ideology of those saints few with no sins and open arms who have never strode into these deep waters, allows me to finally focus on Saving Myself. Even though they never deemed me salvageable, I'm still here and I'm still fighting for my life all by myself.
Priorities have shifted. Sure, Me Too and Me First because a drowning man has to fight for himself when he is alone out there.

Reincarnation or the Insignificance of it all

I'm guessing this current life is as insignificant and inconsequential as the previous ones have been since they are having been lived and now completely forgotten.
There is little I find that has matter or is of any importance. 
I once thought I would create great works or write memorable and worthy things yet all those grand, puffed chest worthy ideals that I breathed and fed on for days and weeks turned into nothing but boondoggles due to my faulty, lofty, Aspergian misreality thinking.
Hours spent heartily engaged now dust on the shelf; paper doves alighted then flamed.
I have no one around me so the implications of my own actions or inactions affect none. I have done nothing today but sustain enough to say I lived through it.
I'm the paint on the wallpaper you pass by without notice.
I'm the drive through customer you forget the moment I leave.
I'm the client, client number 5 of the day and number 167 of the year, in the endless line of revolving items.
I wonder what my past lives involved. Was I tinker, tailor, soldie, mom? Was my presence noted by those around me? Were there many who knew my name, smiled each day and hoped to see me?
Was I a slave in a dirty coal mine, a laundress scrubbing clothes in a cold river, a servant maid or mighty worker of the cattle barn? So many possibilities.
I wonder if I've always worn chains, been enslaved, forced to work for others in unpleasant and cruel conditions. If so, then my lives have a repeating theme.
One who is enslaved. That fits like a well worn sackcloth covered in muck.
My life has little value and no worth to anyone but me. Not so much sad as true. It's what I've got.
I keep a window open a little at all times lest my decaying rotten flesh stink the place up for days and days and my little dog left without fresh air or someone to be able to feed her and let her out.
This is my life. I do it each day without vim or vigor or want of anything more.
I am well aware of the thick wall that prevents me from ever getting close to anyone else. It's impenetrable and I know it because I've been beating my head against it for over 50 years. Some call it autism. I call it extreme loneliness, depression and sadness. But, alas, it is what it is and all that I have.
This is my life. I continue to live it. And I'm sure it matters not a tinker's dam.
I know this and it saves me the heartache of trying, hoping and pie-in-the-sky dreaming.
I am but one small insignificant dot on an extremely large piece of paper. Life.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

I live. It's cold.

It's running cold for the Willamette Valley as the house says 60° at midnight. Winter here isn't bathed in white and fluff. Foggy mist that freezes whatever it kisses, grass, limbs, and the dead flower pot on the porch, will all be covered in the frozen misted frost by morn.
Today was full a football as the post-season plays out eliminating and raising teams right and left. I was privileged, enthralled really, to watch three glorious games of worthy contenders vie for Victor. It was fun and sparkly and sometimes sad when the hits were too hard and violent and the fallen would fail to rise within the preordained, non-injured time.
The ball flew, was grappled, kicked, booted, punched but mostly fondled and held close.
That pretty much was my day.
As it oft is every year at post-season playtime.
It's okay. The aloneness was lessened. My burdens a bit lighter at moments.
A few times I articulated audible joy and awe at seemingly impossible plays. It always surprises me when I get an unexpected emotion that makes a verbal sound.
I had enough good food. I am grateful.
My house kept me warm. All is well.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

I am here and I made it through the day

Even though few know, I continue to breathe.
With little value to society, still I exist.
Being estranged from all family, I continue to be a worthy human being even when no one knows it or acknowledges it.
But for the grace of God, I am what I am

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Jumpin' Guy or A Visit to the Chiropractor

 I miss Jumpin' Guy, the affectionate and respectable nickname that I gave to my previous Chiropractor who miraculously cured me of the chronic neck pain that I had been suffering with for years.

He got that moniker because he was a young guy [I'm 60 and old. Anyone less than 40 is young to thee.] and looked like he could easily do a 'dead jump' more popularly known as a 'standing jump' which is a jump performed from a stationary position without running previous to the jump. I could readily picture Jumpin' Guy suddenly leaping from the floor to atop the chiropractic table effortlessly at any given moment when he was in the room. Yes, he had that much youth and energy exuding from his babyface pores.

I had suffered with neck pain for as long as I could remember. It hurt to carry a purse or backpack so those accessories were curtailed. Even when I wore a standard winter coat, it tugged and pulled and hurt the base of my neck. After approximately 5 or 6 months of bimonthly adjustments, the neck and shoulder pain dramatically disappeared overnight following a treatment. Relief, omg, relief is an understatement. I was overjoyed to discover that chronic nagging to severe neck pain was not a normal part of the everyday human experience. Truly, I did not know that I was in chronic pain until the pain was gone. It feels like that misery was a coconspirator that had always lived with me.

Life was suddenly grand. Then Jumpin' Guy abruptly decided to leave the state. He said something about how he had some news and I wasn't going to like it, followed by he was moving for a better opportunity. Sigh. First off, I did not like or dislike the news and it was presumptuous of him to predict my emotional response to his personal behaviors and choices. I took his statement at face value. Good riddance and good luck. I do not pretend to know the best course of action for a professional stranger nor do I feel any emotional response one way or another would be appropriate for the choice he made regarding his personal life. Okay. We had a great time. It's over. It's life. Thanks and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

He seemed perplexed by my calm impersonal demeanor. People make choices. They are allowed to do that as they see fit. I'm good.

 So, after his departure, I was left with his business partner, a well-respected, highly touted, chiro with oodles of experience and well standing within the community. Okay. This is where it is at.

The new guy, who is actually kindof an old guy and over 40, maybe,  I nicknamed Andre the Giant, Andre for short because physically he was huge compared to little Jumpin' Guy. The first time I met him for an adjustment, well, not the greatest of first meetings but memorable as Hell.

We had our initial small talk chat. I stated my issues. He performed some adjustments. Then he took a step back, arms out to the sides as if he was a magician who had just performed a trick and amazed the whole audience so he was taking his bow before he left...and I said, well, it still hurts here, as I pointed to the sore spot on my neck that I had walked into the office with and mentioned to him just moments previous.

He looked stupefied and lost, unsure of what to do next. He thought a bit and then went to stand behind me as I sat on the table edge. As he put one hand onto the front of my neck, my back pressed against his belly, and he was manipulating my head, with his other hand, I freaked out with a body memory slash flashback of one of my childhood sexual abuse incidents. I jumped off the table in tears and spew those unfortunate words that I have shouted aloud way too much, "back away; I'm a sexual abuse survivor; it's not you, you've done nothing wrong..." and I'm throwing up my hands in defense as I back away to the far wall sobbing.

Yikes. Composure does not come easily to me in those moments when the pain of the past suddenly bites me in the ass or, in this case, in the neck. 

Andre appeared to keep his calm . He said that he had had this happen before. And that's really all I remember him saying before I gathered my flailing dignity, reached out to shake his hand in my universal gesture for "it's not you, it's me and all is well, you've done nothing wrong". It was a gesture of apology for my ruckus and a symbol that I did not hold him personally responsible for my traumatic childhood abuses. Okay. I made another appointment and spent the day at home, in bed, recovering.

Fast forward three months to today, I saw Andre for the third time. I'm recognizing his chiropractic performance pattern. Whereas Jumpin' Guy would listen to me explain my symptoms, perform the adjustments, ask me how I felt, and when I was still experiencing discomfort, he would try alternative forms of manipulation via feeling where the muscles and tendons were tight. Andre handles treatments differently.

Andre appears to be listening to me. Then he executes chiro moves 1, 2 and 3 followed by me flipping over on the table and doing moves 4 and 5, whereupon he does that magician move each and every time. He takes a step back, does that imaginary bow waiting for the applause and I, well, I tell him that I am still in pain which is his cue to look befuddled and vacant and a little bit annoyed around the corners of his eyes and the downward edges of his lips. He doesn't know what to do. Apparently no one ever questions the magician? Is this only me that gets the exact same repeated, ineffective treatment week after week and dares to confess the trick didn't work? Because he does look majorly confused when I ask for his additional professional help.

He does not repalpate the area to feel where the muscles are still tightened and bent out of shape. He looks at me as if it is my fault, my bad that the treatment didn't work and I'm giving him grief. Really? No one else ever questions the man behind the curtain cause he gets the adjustments right the very first time, no need to revisit the affected, injured area to see how well or how poorly the adjustment performed? I'm stymied here.

I left the appointment sooooooo dissatisfied and annoyed, dismayed and let down. The pain I had put up with for over a week and thought I would be leaving at Andre's office was still with me as I walked to my car and drove home. I'm actually highly frustrated and rather furious about this. Granted, I'm sore and I get pretty crabby and unreasonable when I'm hurting but I really do not know how to remedy this near-drowning, painful and irritating condition.

I have tried on three occasions to attempt to get Andre to reexamine and retreat the area. He does not. I see his pattern is reoccurring and unwavering. I cannot win with his form of treatment. There is no way out as my insurance covers him and trying to change to another chiropractor may be denied or there may be someone even more ineffective [plus, who wants to go through that whole almost mandatory first visit flashback fiasco anyway?] The one positive aspect that does help mitigate Andre's behavior is that my insurance does cover a monthly massage therapy treatment. These massages have reduced my overall discomfort and pain. This is true. It takes the edge off enough that I can continue to function close to normal properly adjusted or not.

I dare not or, rather, I know not how to address Andre the magician. The upfront, Aspie honest part of me wants to tell him that he isn't as effect as his former partner and give him the reasons why I believe that to be the case. I think he should do more thorough physical exams before and after treatment and compare and notice what manipulations are working and which are not. My Autistic nature really wants to prevail and be honest and get pain free by stating this. But, the rational part of my brain says that addressing someone in that manner, telling them they are ineffective and relaying our non-professional opinion about what needs to change feels wrong, too in-your-face, risky and possibly insulting to him.

I am now trapped in a bad, not-as-healthy-as-it-could-be professional relationship with my chiropractor who has this new moniker of 'magician'. I can see no way out. Somehow, I have to figure out how to endure or say small things to promote positive changes with his half-ass treatments. I hate this. I suffer. A professional is employed to assist and he fails miserably at his task and I am the one paying the fare.

Yes, I miss Jumpin' Guy. I'll always be grateful for his miraculous, highly professional help in diagnosing and relieving me of my chronic condition. His moving has forced me into an unexpected and uncomfortable situation which I need to work on fixing.

The Chiro and Me, or supposed to be getting help but getting only frustration. 

Monday, December 11, 2023


I had planned out a bus ride, errands and a long walk home but my feet hurt. I don't want to make this decision but I need to listen to what my body is saying. A 5 mile walk would really make my body feel more painful. Making the unpopular but probably sound and healthy decision to take the car. We can always go for a walk as soon as the feet stop constantly hurting.
Okay body feet, I'm listening. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

1:27am so begins rain

And the rain starts to fall
Someone's turned on the tap
Refreshing as breeze blows in
Nostrils flare awake
Clouds falling petals
Beckon a more open window
As the thought of sleep surpassed by
The need for this harmony, 
This balm for my brain
Gentle rhythmic waves
To soothe my agitated soul
As a new old memory takes shape,
Takes over 
And plunges me into the dark places
I work to avoid
The rain, a temporary respite, 
A place I find peace
I lay awake to stay free and present

Another Positive Bus and Walk Day

Decided to take our packages to the fowntown post office via the fareless, talking bus with the 4.7 mile walk home today. The weather was mostly rain less and cool bordering on cold.
The bus driver must have been new because he made a wrong turn and we started to panic. We were thinking of which wrong bus we might have accidentally gotten on, or since it was the weekend and we'd never ridden on the weekend, maybe this was a normal Saturday route. Then, we wonder if we should get off at the next stop to find our right bus. Lots of anxiety ridden thoughts until...we heard the bus driver pickup his talking thingy and notify base that he had made a wrong turn.
We calmed back down as the bus made a few turns to get back on the route. Dang, that hadn't happened before and we were totally unprepared for the possibility that the bus would do that. Silly new bus driver man.
We made it to our stop and walked to the post office.
Our packages shipped; our goal complete. Off to get our congratulatory as well as mandatory, Dutch Bro coffee.
We were contemplating whether or not to make any additional stops on our 4 mile return trek. I remembered a couple of small items not necessary but to-be-needed-soon so we decided to stop at the grocery store for that reason and to use a nice, warm and clean restroom.
We procured our goods but the "manager turned cashier because the place was super busy" person messed up our food stamps card and said it was declined for lack of funds, which it indeed was not. So, I had to use my account to be able to take my groceries home. It made me nervous thinking that maybe I had overspent or miscalculated my food stamp allotment. 
[When I returned home, I checked and I did still have funds!]
The walk home was pleasant and uneventful save the blisters forming on two little toes and one big one. I had to wear my waterproof black walking shoes due to the possibility of rain and my feet were not used to them.
It was nice to get home and cook up some salmon patties with canned salmon, bread crumbs, cheese, celery, onion and egg. I sure do get hungry and eat more on the long walk, cold weather days like today.
I had fun. I do like to walk. And I am getting less and less nervous on the free talking bus.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Going to the Movies Alone

In order to maintain my low-level, social functionality, I must do things that are varying in discomfort. Going to the movies by myself is one of those tasks. If I don't do an uncomfortable task for a period of time, my anxiety will continue to grow to the point where I can't complete simple issues. 
I found a movie that interested me. I rarely find subjects or stories that peak my interest and lure me to the cinema.
Napoleon. I liked the idea of learning a little history. I bought my ticket for the less expensive, less crowded early afternoon matinee.  There were only two other couples in attendance. 
Being inside the theater is really another world in that the external world is completely shutout. No traffic or crowds or rain or lights, just a big screen to focus on.
I liked Watchung all the previews of upcoming movies. I rarely read newspapers or magazines regarding current events so it kinda gave me a glimpse into what society is doing and thinking these days.
I felt at ease, alone, up in the back row, unencumbered, no worries, no expectations, no chatter or questions, just off and solo with myself.
I brought my ear plugs. Then promptly lost one within the first few minutes. Luckily, the movie wasn't an action adventure type with constant loud noises. The battle scenes were scattered throughout the film but not long in duration.
I learned that not having anyone sitting next to me allowed me to easily and simply look away from all the violent battle scenes. At the end of those, I'd find out who won. I did not require the gory details. Something new I learned today.
I did really well, in that I did not get overly anxious or leave before the movie ended. That's what frequently would happen. I would either get overwhelmed, socially uncomfortable, or unable to stay sitting for the length of a movie.
Sure, I only caught about 50% of the dialog due to my verbal processing delay but I could still follow the theme of the action and storyline.
Was it enjoyable? Um, yeah, it was okay. Could have lived without it, yet I gained a little historical insight, did something different and got myself out of my house for a couple hours.
I did good.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

A Positive Day, buying a new coat

I was thrilled to be able to walk four miles from downtown to home today. I hadn't gone for a walk since developing metatarsalalgia last week from new, too tight shoes. The pain was pretty awful and debilitating. I wasn't sure how many weeks it would be before that healed.
The metatarsal foot pads from walmart proved to be the cure. I'm so grateful.
I love walking.
I have been trying to figure out how to buy a raincoat so that I can stay dry on my rainy, Oregon winter multitude of days. With my therapist's help, I figured out which type of jacket to look for.
Jackets can be water-resistant yet Not waterproof, which boggles my mind and is nonsense. A raincoat, in my mind,should repeal the rain. So, I had to be wary and check the wording close.
Then, because it gets dark here around 4 pm, I wasn't sure if I should get a high visibility coat, with reflective, safety colors like neon orange and yellow. I mean, I like the idea of cars being able to readily see me yet I worried others might think I looked ridiculous. I feared comments voiced at me. Sigh.
But, what did I want in a raincoat? I had to think about it, a lot. Another one of those easy tasks most neurotypicals never worry about.
So, I decided I wanted a waterproof coat, first and foremost. Secondly, I wanted glow-in-the-dark, reflective, high-visibilty colors.
So, on my walk home, I stopped at a new store I had never been in before. [This is huge in and of itself!] And I tried on a couple different coats after carefully screening their labels. I found the one I thought might work best, and I bought it!
This is now my new rain, walk, Winter, wear on the bus coat. It is mostly bright, neon yellow. I'm going to try wearing it the next time I rain walk.
It's exciting. It's a big purchase as coats tend to last for years. I hope it works for me.
I like the idea of being safer as well as staying dry. Oregon winters are very wet.
I did new things today.
And I did good!

I'm not doing Christmas this year, opting for Self-care instead

I am struggling with sadness, grief, depression, and the aloneness of it all, to a great extent.
I have to be my own priority. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

I hate this place...

The place where everything I touch or try to do turns to sh*t.
I'm drowning in sadness.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Productive Day

Being alone, we plan an activity for most every day. Our little dog makes sure that we get up before noon so she can go out. Then, I have some coffee and usually get right into whatever task has been set the night before. Every night before falling asleep, we have at least one plan for the next day. Often times, there are a few items on the agenda that we have to put into the order we want to get them done.
Today, laundry at the laundromat was the main goal. On the way to the laundromat, I stopped for coffee and then to the bottle return shop to turn in 4 grocery bags of diet pepsi bottles.
We did something unconventional and risky, in our book. We knew we had more than 75 bottles but the only bottle machine open was the one that said "under 75 only". Two other machines were broken. There was only one person standing in line with, like, about the same amount of bottles as me. Each bag holds about 25, so 100 bottles total. Only 25 over the limit.
Yeah, I decided to push it to the limit, extend my comfort zone and consciously break a written rule. 
I kept waiting for one of the workers to come over and castigate me. I was ready for the reprimand but it never showed up. Ha.
That was kinda fun.
Anyway, after that and the laundromat, I had to stop at the store for apples, bananas, cream cheese, pop and corn, popcorn. So, I'm saying these items aloud in my car so I wouldn't forget. I liked the way it was pretty alphabetical and that I need both pop and corn and could string them together.
After the grocery store, I made chicken livers and onions to go with homemade biscuits. Then after a brief respite, I've started the weekly chore of cooking up dog food for my 9 year old, 12 lb Boston puppy dog. I always make brown rice in the oven, add a protein source, today it is left over roast beef; and additional 3 cans of no salt veggies. The vegetables are a combo of either green beans, cooked carrots, corn or peas. The rice and carrots are cooking right now so I get to rest a few minutes and watch my favorite show Port Protection. 
PP is about a small community of residents in a remote Alaskan town. It's fantastic. I love it. No violence. No drama. No game show or competition. Just a group of people who like to do their own thing and have their own space. They are living a simple, isolated, self serving lifestyle just working to survive each day and often coming together to help each other out.
Cool how.
Yeah, my anger and wrath at all things autism has cooled and tempered. I'm getting back down to basics figuring out how to live my life, my way, each day.
Be well

Monday, December 4, 2023

Aspergers and the Alien free ebook promotion going on now

 Check out Amazon Kindle. My book is currently free for ebook. This offer lasts for four days. I'll try and set up a link.

Unable to link. Here's a screenshot. You can go to Amazon and search by title. Let me know what you think.

Aspie and still angry about it, Autism Sucks

Sunday, December 3, 2023

I still wish...the one friend theory

I still hold onto that stupid wish
That there is one person in the world
That wants to be my friend
That supports me
That gives me good advice in nice ways
That cares about me
That I can turn to at anytime, and when I am sad and despondent 
That one person
Who can help pick me up off the floor
I hope
I wonder
I wish
Just one
One person
For me

I can't trust my own thinking, Autism Sucks

Because I keep thinking I can do normal things. But, I cannot. And therefore I need to question myself, my purchases, goals and plans. I never know if a goal is reasonable or reachable until I fall flat on my face.

I get embarrassed easy, Autism Sucks

I think I get embarrassed easier than most. Mostly due to I'm stupid as to social clues, feeling insignificant and not knowing if what I'm asking is ridiculously stupid or not.
I feel I've played the fool all my life. It's really easy to make fun of someone when they can't understand what the teacher is saying, the directions, or what the words on the chalkboard mean.
I've lived with an invisible reality, a separation from what others around me have been experiencing. And I'm hard pressed to find the words to explain my difficulties. 
It's like, I'm walking alone in a vast, empty desert and others stride beside me within these colorful individual bubbles that can readily interact with other colorful bubbles and they are all seeing and experiencing the same thing. Yet, I am not. And I cannot fathom their world. And they are completely oblivious that my separate world even exists.
It's strange, so very strange to be this differently wired in a world streaming mostly as one.
I, the erratically broken sparking wire that only I can see and feel.
Ah, back to embarrassment, I've lived an easily ridiculed life both within the family home and also in schooling. Embarrassment was born within me so long ago and has been a weekly occurrence ever since.
My skin has grown thinner with each passing faux pas and mistake I have made. People laugh so easily and they sure enjoy having someone else to put down and made fun of.
Maybe my scars have just gotten too heavy. 
Maybe the quiet, isolated world of my own is just the best place for me to be.
I get embarrassed really easily. Staying in is often best.

When People Talk to Me, I jerk, twitch and spaz, Autism Sucks

One thing that I noticed at the event yesterday was that whenever someone approached and started talking to me, I'd start wringing me hands, jerking back and forth my left arm, clenching and unclenching my fists, all different and uncontrolled manner of movements would take place.
I'm was relative okay and normal looking in appearance and manner until another person, a stranger drew near.
Aspergers and People
I'm not anti-social; my nervous system just goes nuts if anyone else is around.

Angry Aspie Alien

Saturday, December 2, 2023

At a Public Event, Being Autistic Sucks

I'm rarely around people, Autistic and not. Today, I sat at a 6 hour event amongst others, half sitting, half walking by.
At first, I kept thinking they were all friends, all relatives or even that they all went to the same church.
They had a familiarity like I picture a large extended family would. But I don't think they were any of those things. They were just not Aspies. They interacted easily with many words, similar questions and in an easy back-and-forth motion. It was truly a bizarre scene to witness for all those hours.
Me, this quiet, nonverbal ogre in the corner could only observe this communicative feast taking place before me, all around me. Cousins greeting cousins, long lost and those from next door exchanging pleasantries, opinions and advice. 
When the few would speak to me, I'd tumble over haphazard words in nonsensical, unrhyming patter. 
Do you know, has this happened to you, whereby someone is speaking to you and you can find no words so they turn and walk away? (Rightly so, mind you) Yeah, this happened to me today. It's like a slap in the face without that knee jerk reaction to duck. No open hand visibly flying towards me, but same effect. 
I do not have the social skills to do simple things like being a vendor at a craft fair. The only thing that kept me from running out the door after Hell's first hour was the resounding thought that I never ever have to do it again, in my lifetime, like neverevermore. The promise made to myself that kept me somewhat sane and able to complete my 6 hour sentence.
I have moments of raging infuriation that my ideas of doing normal things are smashed, deranged and ridiculous And I Do Not Know Those Ideas Are Well Away From My Actual Aspergian Abilities.
I'm mad at the people around me, when I was growing up, telling me I "just wasn't trying hard enough" and castigating me for undiagnosed autism traits.
"You can do anything you set your mind to" is pure non-autistic bullsh*t that I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday because all my other siblings, all the other kids in my class could all do simple, everyday things that I Could Not Do. I paid a price Every Day because I was undiagnosed, slow, learned differently, excelled in some areas and spectacularly failed in others.
I'm mad. And I'm hurt. And I tried my best. And I spectacularly failed at what an entire room of people could easily do.
Autism Sucks often and hard and don't let anyone, any non-Autistic tell you otherwise.

I don't know how to do this

I can't talk to people

I don't have the ability to engage in simple, everyday conversation.
And the inability to talk gets worse, more difficult, with each day I don't speak. Like falling into the familiar dense, dark hole I was spat out of the earth from.
I ain't right.
The girl ain't right because she can't talk like most.
I don't understand why people talk so much. I don't know or care about the things they talk about. Seems like  nonsense but nonsense they want to say, like common threads that bind them together and leave me, as always, left out.
It hurts worse those times I want in, to their clique, their mass of normality.
Whoever heard of someone, a grown up, who can't even make words and out loud them?
I'm alone. In deafening silence. And I can't talk. Again.