Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I'm very tired

Overly tired these past few days, to the point of mostly sleeping, resting or inanimation with eyes partially open.
It's not about motivation or depression. It's about the physical exhaustion from every day events.
I have about 10% of my normal energy available each day. I've put it to good use and managed to procure food from the store, cook and freeze meals for days, and keep Little Dog on her daily walks albeit much much shorter walks.
I continue to figure out the pitfalls and troubleshoot the making of chicken pot pies, the only meals I've eaten for a week or two. So many stages. So complex.
Here is what my veggies look like before I add the chicken and make the gravy. I can't tolerate peas but I do utilize the standard online, carrot, celery mix. To that I add about a cup of assorted cauliflower chopped and a mushroom. Today, I also picked up fresh parsley which, I shall dehydrate and store the remainder of. Plus, I used the thickened remains of the cooked chicken I had strained and refrigerated. I don't know what they call that jelkylike stuff but I believe it is healthy. I used it in place of most of the butter I typically have been using for the rue, the gravy.
I have figured out the spice ratio. Salt is a teaspoon and pepper is a half teas. Pepper is still new to me. I do remember it from the store bought chicken pot pies of ages past. It continues to be a new, unexpected taste sensation.
I like parsley, as a rule, even plain. Adding it to the pie does enhance the flavorability. 
I've been sleeping in late, having a few hours to do low level tasks, then I fall back asleep by 6. I'll wake a couple hours later to eat and walk puppy, then it's a little tv or right back to bed.
It's just what it is.

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