Friday, May 24, 2024

Of Bus Pants and Dumpster Shoes

 I remember the first time that I watched The Big Bang episode in which Sheldon talks about having Bus Pants, trousers that he specifically wears on the city bus. I didn't understand why he required different trousers for the bus. For what reason and to what end and why???

It seems Sheldon found the city bus seats to be teeming with, well, filth, in the form of discarded gum and food stuffs and all manner of human oozes, I guess. I failed to understand why he needed an extra layer of protection against the remnants of humanity that gets left in public seating...then, I rode a city bus. My city is small to mediumish and the bus fleet is well-maintained, but I caught a glimpse of the people that were boarding and riding the bus. They brought food and drinks. Some riders emitted specific odors. I try and tell this joke about "I have not been smoking pot. I sat behind someone on the bus and well. I inhaled." Something like that.

People have odors, most of which are unpleasant and offensive. Okay, I'll admit, a couple of riders did smell freshly showered and had applied fragrances that were delightful, fruity and masculine alike. People smell.

Anyway, I digress from the meaning and spirit of this post. If you can understand Bus Pants, then you might understand Dumpster Shoes. They are the specific shoes that I wear to dump my trash in the communal dumpster so that my good, everyday shoes do not encounter filth, usually in the form of leaked batches of kitty litter, broken glass and discarded foodstuffs that almost made it to their large green metal destination.

More often than naught, there is a debris field of some type in that parking area right before one encounters the dumpster. 9 times out of 10, kitty litter is there, hence the need for alternate footwear.

I was going to call the Dumpster Shoes, Trash or Garbage shoes, but both of those monikers were rather harsh and unpleasant for two footie devices that save my 120$ Brooks running shoe. (No, I do not run but these are the shoes I love that fit and cushion and endure.)

It's kindof odd because my Dumpster Shoes are indeed a pair of Brooks runners yet of an on-sale, poorly fitting, bought the wrong ones online, type. 

It's the little things that make my life easier that I am grateful for. I'm glad I figured out Bus Pants and enlisted Dumpster Shoes.

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