Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Collective Unconscious Stream

Every now and then, I tap into the Universal Vibe, usually when I first wake up and before my daily personal thoughts and objectives wake up.
I first noticed it around the holidays when I would awake and sense specific holiday songs in the air. Or around easter when the old catholic hymns of my youth would be found on the tip of my tongue. Those two occurrences even though I despise all holidays and especially those two family orientated ones.
Then there are the times I feel the dome of natural disasters that have taken place faraway from me. When the violent winds that caused high tornadic death and destruction blew into my area, the winds felt violent and carried fear and sorrow.
Violent tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes, large events that caused extensive, massive destruction on a personal level, often I feel them.
This past weekend, I awoke...and had the sudden abrupt thoughts that mudslides, landslides would be a terrifying way to die. I had this newfound and unwarranted sensation of what it must feel like to struggle drowning in mud. The sense was overwhelming and hit me throughout the remainder of the day.
I am weird as a rule, and I think unusual things that others don't, so I thought noting of these feelings in my mind.
Monday I turned on the news. I don't watch the news with regularity because it can overwhelm me so easily. I do turn it on for the evening news a few times a week to keep current with events.
Monday, they talked of a massive mudslide in Papau New Guinea.  Immediately I knew. A mass casualty event from a natural disaster half a world away. I knew. I had gotten "in touch", perceived the great cries of terror experienced by others I did not know.
The Collective Unconscious is a constant stream that carries the strongest or most prevailing vibrations throughout, the world. It seems like a general pulse or heartbeat, a headline all can read if they look in the right place.
I feel subtle energy easier than most. I guess you could readily say I am a highly sensitive. 
This reminds me of an event last month. I read about a hit and run fatality on a road that I frequent. The culprit, the driver was apprehended after a few days. The victim was not found for at least a couple of days.
I did not know exactly where the victim was found or where the egregious event actual happened but I had a general idea.
I hadn't driven that road in a number of days. Then I needed to get to the next town and drive on that road. As I navigated a turn, I felt like I hit a wall of scream. It felt like an invisible wall of pain that stretched from the concrete up about 20 feet. It felt big, big energy with bug force. There was a sudden surge of strong emotion. It was anger, like someone shouting "why didn't you stop! Why did you leave me there!" The woman, the crash victim, is who I was perceiving and she was so very angry. In a way, from my take, she was most upset that the driver did not stop than by actually being struck. Anger! 
And I kinda saw through the victim's eyes. The woman was struck and then, I'm guessing her spirit then stood on the shoulder of the road where she saw the black car continue driving for a bit. It must have been at least a block down the street before the black car pulled over, it was night and I see her brake lights, she pulled over after quite a delay. I don't know if the driver was intoxicated, distracted or in some altered state but it's as if the driver did not acknowledge or was not concerned or aware she fatally injured someone. When she did finally pull over, she got out of her vehicle to check for damage. It was nighttime. She saw her front end damaged and got back in her car and left. She never looked back. The victim "saw" her pull over and that the driver did not retrace her tracks to see what she had hit. This is where the victim stood screaming after watching her leave. At the exact spot she was injured. She stood.
It almost feels like the victim screamed angry at the driver and maybe to try and tell people she was lying there in the tall grass and wanted to be found.
I felt that anger that had been built over days. I can't help but wonder that if I had driven by the area, would I have been able to sense her angry presence. Would it have been a sensation strong enough to make me pull over and go search? I will never know.
On my return trip home, past the accident spot, I bid my sorrow and regret to the angry one. I told her the driver was caught. The driver has been caught and that I am glad the authorities had finally found her.
There had been no missing persons report filed anywhere. The victim was not missing or being looked for. Like me, if I would disappear for days, it would go unnoticed in the world. Maybe I just related heartily, heart and soul, to her plight. Maybe that's why I so readily felt her great pain.
I'm weird. I sense things others don't. And things that cannot be measured or verified or may sound illogical are difficult for me to share. But maybe I should learn to share.

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