Thursday, May 16, 2024

New Window Sounds

There is a plethora of virginal, unfamiliar, and mysterious sounds emitted from the windows of my home. The sounds and the environment on the outside, in my neighborhood, has dramatically altered, it seems like overnight, or rather, within the last couple of weeks. Like small waves making squeaky sounds, gathering together, rising into a crescendo till nothing of old is heard, just this new, obnoxious wave of flotsam and jetsam, debris of unknown origin and questionable morals. Lots of loud voices, both in mirth and anger. 
I live amongst three mediocre, mid-sized apartment dwellings, complexes. Residents continually ebb and flo yet, this month seems to have exceeded the norm as all the sounds drifting and pulsing in through my open window are unfamiliar.
What it was outside my house last month, in my neighborhood, is no more this month. The familiar has been replaced by the strange. It's unnerving, disturbing and a bit of tingly stress. 
I have moments whereby I am curious of that which is new. It smacks abruptly with the calming sense of routine and patterns.
There are many new individuals with new voices. There is more laughter than I have heard before which is alarming as laughter is strange and mysterious meaning good cheer or tearing someone down. I rarely can figure out which so I tend to treat laughter from a distance and envision it as neutral but slightly alarming.
There are new animal pets. In particular, the large German Shepard barking one who always sounds viciously annoyed and irritable. That sound frightens me especially on my frequent walks with Little Dog. I am vigilant. These new pet creatures are highly unknown to me thus highly unpredictable with sharp teeth and strong jaws.
The temple of my familiar, the only link to past days, is the delightful sound of the trains and their horns, each roar as individual as each being. Everything is made better by the sound of a passing train. I love hearing them through my window, my most welcome audible guests.
I've said much much and yet it feels like more words await.
The leaves are now full out, not bud or immature. The adult leaves soften the strange sound with a rustle and a tuck.
The birds, oh my, I do not know if there has always been such a euphony, a cornucopia of various pleasing notes and songs and alarms and whims. The cottonwood trees seem to reek of pleasant foul much to my excitement and surprise.
The window, open or shut, is my most utilized cue as to what is happening in the world outside.
All the sounds are strange. The shut the window half-way, and move my chair a bit more towards the center of the room. My drapes are more drawn these days. At some point, maybe, the strange may become not so scary. Familiarity is a fickle, tiny bird with wings that beat erratically, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
Spring, the time of great change and strange sounds.

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